Konvencija o imenovanjima

Generalna konvencija

Ne bi trebao postojati razlog da pratite samo jednu konvenciju :)

Budite svjesni cinjenice da cloud resursi cesto imaju ogranicenja u dozvoljenim imenima. Neki resursi, npr: ne mogu sadrzavati srednju crtu u imenu. Konvencija u ovoj knizi se odnonosi samo na imenovanje unutar Terrafroma

  1. Koristite _ (donja crta) umjesto - (srednje crte) na svim mjestima (za imena resursa, imena izvora podataka, imena varijabli, izlaznih vrijednosti itd).

  2. Preferirajte upotrebu malih slova i brojeva (iako je UTF-8 podrzan).

Resursi i argumenti izvora podataka

  1. Ne ponavaljajte tip resursa u imenima resursa (u dijelovima ili kompletno):

`resource "aws_route_table" "public" {}`
`resource "aws_route_table" "public_route_table" {}`
`resource "aws_route_table" "public_aws_route_table" {}`
  1. Ime resrusa treba biti imenovano sa this ako nema neko vise opisujuce ili generalnije ime, ili ako resurs modul kreira jedan resurs tog tipa (npr, u AWS VPC modulu postoji jedan resurs tipa aws_nat_gateway i vise resursa tipaaws_route_table, tako bi aws_nat_gateway trebao biti imenovan this aaws_route_table treba da ima bolje opisujuce ime - kao private, public, database).

  2. Uvijek koristite imenice u jednini za imena.

  3. Koristite - unutar vrijednosti argumenata i na mjestima gdje ce vrijednosti biti izlozene ljudima (npr, unutar DNS imena RDS instance).

  4. Ukljucite argument count / for_eachunutar resursa ili blokova izvora podataka kao prvi argument na vrhu i razdvojite novim redom nakon toga.

  5. Ukljucite argument tags, ako je podrzano od strane resursa, kao zadnji pravi argument pracen sa depends_on i lifecycle, ako je neophodno. Sve ovo bi trebalo biti razdvojeno sa jednim praznim redom.

  6. Kada koristite uslove unutar argumentacount / for_each praktikujte booelan vrijednosti (true/false) umjesto koristenjalength ili drugih izraza.

Primjeri koda za resource

Upotreba count / for_each

resource "aws_route_table" "public" {
  count = 2

  vpc_id = "vpc-12345678"
  # ... remaining arguments omitted

resource "aws_route_table" "private" {
  for_each = toset(["one", "two"])

  vpc_id = "vpc-12345678"
  # ... remaining arguments omitted
resource "aws_route_table" "public" {
  vpc_id = "vpc-12345678"
  count  = 2

  # ... remaining arguments omitted

Upotreba tags

resource "aws_nat_gateway" "this" {
  count = 2

  allocation_id = "..."
  subnet_id     = "..."

  tags = {
    Name = "..."

  depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.this]

  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "this" {
  count = 2

  tags = "..."

  depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.this]

  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

  allocation_id = "..."
  subnet_id     = "..."

Uslovi unutar count

resource "aws_nat_gateway" "that" {    # Best
  count = var.create_public_subnets ? 1 : 0

resource "aws_nat_gateway" "this" {    # Good
  count = length(var.public_subnets) > 0 ? 1 : 0


  1. Don't reinvent the wheel in resource modules: use name, description, and default value for variables as defined in the "Argument Reference" section for the resource you are working with.

  2. Support for validation in variables is rather limited (e.g. can't access other variables or do lookups). Plan accordingly because in many cases this feature is useless.

  3. Use the plural form in a variable name when type is list(...) or map(...).

  4. Order keys in a variable block like this: description , type, default, validation.

  5. Always include description on all variables even if you think it is obvious (you will need it in the future).

  6. Prefer using simple types (number, string, list(...), map(...), any) over specific type like object() unless you need to have strict constraints on each key.

  7. Use specific types like map(map(string)) if all elements of the map have the same type (e.g. string) or can be converted to it (e.g. number type can be converted to string).

  8. Use type any to disable type validation starting from a certain depth or when multiple types should be supported.

  9. Value {} is sometimes a map but sometimes an object. Use tomap(...) to make a map because there is no way to make an object.


Make outputs consistent and understandable outside of its scope (when a user is using a module it should be obvious what type and attribute of the value it returns).

  1. The name of output should describe the property it contains and be less free-form than you would normally want.

  2. Good structure for the name of output looks like {name}_{type}_{attribute} , where:

    1. {name} is a resource or data source name without a provider prefix. {name} for aws_subnet is subnet, foraws_vpc it is vpc.

    2. {type} is a type of a resource sources

    3. {attribute} is an attribute returned by the output

  3. If the output is returning a value with interpolation functions and multiple resources, {name} and {type} there should be as generic as possible (this as prefix should be omitted). See example.

  4. If the returned value is a list it should have a plural name. See example.

  5. Always include description for all outputs even if you think it is obvious.

  6. Avoid setting sensitive argument unless you fully control usage of this output in all places in all modules.

  7. Prefer try() (available since Terraform 0.13) over element(concat(...)) (legacy approach for the version before 0.13)

Code examples of output

Return at most one ID of security group:

output "security_group_id" {
  description = "The ID of the security group"
  value       = try(aws_security_group.this[0].id, aws_security_group.name_prefix[0].id, "")

When having multiple resources of the same type, this should be omitted in the name of output:

output "this_security_group_id" {
  description = "The ID of the security group"
  value       = element(concat(coalescelist(aws_security_group.this.*.id, aws_security_group.web.*.id), [""]), 0)

Use plural name if the returning value is a list

output "rds_cluster_instance_endpoints" {
  description = "A list of all cluster instance endpoints"
  value       = aws_rds_cluster_instance.this.*.endpoint

Last updated